Privacy Policy


Just Queen, app belonging to :

  • API TECH, a simplified joint stock company with capital of €160,000 - registered with the Nancy Trade and Companies Register under number 451 972 483 - Head office: 11B Avenue Du Général De Gaulle, SEICHAMPS (54280).

Editor of the app

  • API TECH, a simplified joint stock company with capital of €160,000 - registered with the Nancy Trade and Companies Register under number 451 972 483 - Head office: 11B Avenue Du Général De Gaulle, SEICHAMPS (54280).

The purpose of this declaration is to explain how API TECH collects, uses and stores personal data (hereinafter referred to as "data") relating to customers, natural persons, and any potential customers.


The purpose of the present Charter is to inform Users in a complete and transparent manner about the collection and use of their personal data.

In accordance with Law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms as amended by Law n°2018-493 of June 20, 2018 and European Regulation n°2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data ("RGPD"), the Publisher informs the User of its commitment to respect the confidentiality, integrity and security of the data that the User will be required to communicate to it during the use of the Platform.

All personal data directly identifying the User (surname, first name, electronic and telephone contact details) or indirectly identifying the User (in particular computer traces left by browsing the Platform), are considered as confidential data and are therefore subject to the protection offered by the laws relating to the processing of personal data.

1. Data controller

API TECH is responsible for the processing of your data. This means that it determines the purposes for which the data is collected

As a result, API TECH treats and protects your data in accordance with the law and in a fair and transparent manner

2. Processing of personal data

Personal data includes all information relating to a natural person who is identified or can be identified, directly or indirectly. This identification is made by means of one or more elements that are specific to the individual.

The processing of this data consists of any operation performed on it, such as data collection, registration, organization or preservation

As part of the application, API TECH collects information to geolocate its customers to offer them the nearest machine and information to identify it,in order to allow them to use their personal space and enjoy the different resulting benefits

The transfer of personal data on our application is not legally obligatory but allows to ensure the proper functioning of it. Thus, in case of refusal, the use of the application may be limited or impossible

The personal data processed is :

  • Identification data such as your surname and first name, address, date and place of birth, email address, etc.
  • Information about your means of payment (bank card when paying directly at the machine during the collection of pizzas)
  • Geolocation information (via google maps or GPS in your phone)

3. Collection of personal data

Your data is collected when you create your account through our app and as soon as you make a change to the information entered

Each time you use the application, geolocation will also be performed to direct you to the nearest Just Queen machine.

4. Use of Cookies

The data entered by the customers allow an optimal use of the application. They also allow the customer to benefit from personalized offers

The data may also be used in satisfaction surveys to enable us to continually improve the services offered to you

5. Data transmission

Your data will be treated as confidential. API TECH employees are bound by professional secrecy, which is the subject of a specific clause in their employment contract. In addition, only certain employees assigned to the management of the application may have access to this information..

In order to set up the push process enabling the application to inform the customer of the progress of your order, API TECH calls upon the FireBase company, which benefits from the technology necessary to carry out such a process. Customer information may therefore be transmitted to FireBase. FireBase certifies that it complies with the conditions for the protection of personal data laid down by the European Community, and that its servers are SOC-certified, guaranteeing the integrity of the data stored.

Finally, as part of the implementation of fidelity benefits by the pizzaïolos who use our machines, your data can be transferred to you to benefit from exclusive offers.

6. Data retention

As far as geolocation is concerned, API TECH does not store your data. In fact, the application simply allows us to know your position at the time of use, and no data is saved.

As for the information provided when creating your personal space, the latter is kept as long as your account remains active. In case you make a request to delete an account, the personal information about you will be automatically deleted. Only your zip code and the type of pizzas consumed will remain on our servers for sales statistics purposes, but this information is not likely to allow us to identify you

Finally, personal data may be stored later on with regard to legal retention periods

7. Your rights

  • 7.1 General right to object to direct marketing

    You can, at any time, oppose the use of data that we collect, store and process for marketing purposes, directly by email to the address : or by a letter adressed to customer service, at : 11B Avenue Du Général De Gaulle à Seichamps (54280).

  • 7.2 Right of access, rectification, deletion and portability of data

    You have a permanent right of access to your personal data and as part of it, you can request the following information :

    • Categories of personal data in our possession ;
    • Purposes of processing ;
    • Recipients or categories of recipients

    Should your personal data be incorrect, we will modify it and in some cases we will delete it to the extent permitted by law. You can also request that some of this data is sent directly to you or a third party.

    Please inform us of your request by email to the address : or by mail to customer service at the following address : 11B Avenue Du Général De Gaulle à Seichamps (54280).

  • 7.3 Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés

    If we have not been able to satisfy your needs, you can contact the French National Commission on Informatics and Liberty, 3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07 - Tél : 01 53 73 22 22 (Monday to Thursday from 9 AM to 6.30 PM / Friday from 9 AM to 6 PM) - Fax : 01 53 73 22 00 – site internet :